Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Few Pictures

Dear Lions,

most of you are probably already busy preparing for our next trip to the Pyrenees and can't wait to get there and hike up the first hill. However, in case "the fever" hasn't caught you yet, I've attached a few pictures of our last trip.

Yes, there is the beautiful scenery, the camaderie and the beer during our (well-deserved) breaks:

and you can probably still remember the delicious food:

But do you also remember the other parts of the trips? The reason why you might want to shape up right now?
Stay tuned for some pictorial evidence next in your inbox!

Jochen, Picture Correspondant

A Lion in the mountain!

Hi Lions
I attach photos from the Garmo Negro (3100 m) last Sunday April 11th. I climbed it with skies. Beautiful day, nice snow, amazing slopes...
At the end a great VIDEO!
Get ready! See you soon!!!

Few Pictures... Part II

Dear Lions,

I have selected again a few other pictures for your enjoyment. Do you still remember when we had to "hang in there"?

Just in case you forgot, Alastair exemplarily shows here how to hold the rope behind the back to secure yourself:

It can be steep from times to times...

Oh, and don't forget to bring shoes that can get wet - it is impossible to avoid the water!

And finally, you may consider to slim down enough so you don't get stuck in there ;-)

Best regards,

Jochen, Picture Correspondant

Pyrenean Flora: The Beech and the Silver Fir of the Pyrenees

Over 100 species of trees and shrubs are found in Pyrenean forests. Each species grows on slopes with different characteristics: altitude, exposure, type of soil, rainfall or cloud cover.

THE BEECH (Fagus sylvatica)

The beech grows at mountain level, between about 800 and 1,800 m in humid conditions with condensation forming thick fog, drizzle or rain. Though not fussy about the soil, beech trees can be badly affected by late frosts, which destroy tender young leaves and blooms. Where trees are tightly packed, few other species grow in the humus.
Size: up to 30 or 40 metres tall with a trunk often over one metre in diameter.
Lifetime: between 300 and 500 years
Bark: smooth and grey with horizontal ridges and patches of lichen
Foliage: deciduous; light green in spring, dark in summer turning to golden yellow or brown in autumn. The leaves and vein angles are edged with small hairs.
Fruit: ripe by late September, the almond-shaped beechnuts are grouped by twos or threes in a husk covered in soft spikes.
Use: fuel, woodwork and paper.
Habitat: beech trees grow as well on the plain as in mountainous areas. They like shade and moisture. in the Pyrenees they are found at the mountain level of northern slopes throughout the range.

THE SILVER FIR (Abies pectinata)

The silver fir is often found among beech trees where it can be spotted by its tall, dark silhouette. It is also found growing in 100% fir forests, especially in shady spots near the top of the mountain level (around 1,800 m). Another tree that will grow in different types of soil, silver firs form a shady, silent cover for undergrowth.
Size: Giant of the Pyrenees, the silver fir can grow to 50 m
Bark: the silver-grey bark cracks and becomes scaly over time.
Foliage: evergreen. The needles spread out horizontally on either side of the branch. Shiny green on the upper side, two silver-white bands on the underside. The top tends to flatten out with age.
Fruit: the cones remain upright on the top branches. In the autumn the cones break up, leaving the central spike still standing upright like a candle.
Use: good timber. Its resin has medical virtues.
Habitat: the silver fir forms magnificent forests at altitudes of between 500 and 1,600 metres. In the Pyrenees they are found mixed with beech or in 100% fir populations.

By Matias Dorr Mansilla, Forest correspondent

The Tenth Trip

I am writing this missive from the plank position, having started Matthew’s very helpful exercises!
For Antonio and myself, this will be our 10th trip. Who would have thought that when three of us met in 2001, as less than cool cats, the legendary Lions of the Pyrenees would be the outcome? For all current Lions, they will know the unique camaraderie that exists. For the new Lions, there is a store in treat!

Whilst I try and get out of the plank position, I have read the list of jobs. There are two noticeable omissions. Firstly, our “cosmetic adviser”. It needs to be someone who is prepared to go into an expensive pharmacy to buy the most expensive skincare spray to treat sunburn. If anyone wants to take on this role, please let me know.

Secondly, everyone will have noticed there is no “dance co-ordinator”. Having been treated to an impromptu demonstration of the funky chicken high in the mountains last year, I expect the same individual could be teaching us the Pyrenean pirouette this time!

On a totally different tack (as the paramedics arrive to take me off to casualty, having locked-up in the plank position) could I suggest two other items to add to the kit list? Firstly, most of you will have come across energy gels, these will come in handy for the more strenuous activities (in fact every day!). Secondly, there is a possibility of heavy rain and you may consider bringing an extra waterproof, a plastic poncho, something our mountain guide, Omar, regards as essential!

Looking forward to meeting all the new Lions and to catching up with the rest of you!
Alastair Caisley

[Our Plank Correspondent]