Monday, May 7, 2018

Be prepared for your adventure: First-Aid

While the first thoughts of your upcoming adventure may be that of the amazing scenery or the interaction with nature at its finest, it should be if am I prepared. Being prepared ahead of your trip will help reduce worry and risk allowing you to enjoy nature. You can accomplish this by having a proper first-aid kit on hand. What do I mean by “proper”, well that simply means evaluating the nature and length of your adventure. Making decisions objectively based on research and common sense.  Asking yourself simple questions like: What might happen if I don’t have this, is this item necessary or am I missing something? Hikers are usually amazed by the number of redundant items they carry out of habit.

By now you may be asking yourself, OK, but what to take? This depends on the research you’ve done on the environment and length of your trip. With that information I suggest looking at some, if not all the following links (bottom of page) of first-aid items with descriptions. Also, you will want to minimize weight and bulk, so only carry appropriately sized quantities based on the length of your trip.

As a final tip, if you are regularly hiking or spending lots of time in the wilderness, I suggest that you take a First-Aid course. These courses will develop your skills in injury management, CPR and other lifesaving situations.

Stay safe, be prepared and enjoy all that nature has to offer fellow Lions.

Links for what to take in your First-Aid kit: