Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Missionary in Africa - Contribution from Fergus.

A missionary was sent to darkest Africa to convert the natives. It was his first visit to the jungle. He was warned in advance by his more experienced colleagues about the possibility of encountering dangerous Lions. Thus, avoiding Lions, dangerous or otherwise, became his obsession. One morning, shortly after arriving in the jungle, and while on his own, he saw a big Lion approach him through the trees . The Lion looked really muscular and powerful. Not unnaturally, the missionary began to perspire because he was deeply afraid. Immediately, he thought of asking God for help. So, he began to pray with great intensity. His prayer went like this: “Please, God, infuse this Lion with Christian sentiments”! No sooner had the missionary finished praying than he saw that the Lion had gone down on his knees and was also looking up to heaven. The missionary was surprised, so he got closer to the Lion. He could then hear the Lion say: “Bless us our Lord, for these thy gifts, which are of thy bounty, we are about to receive, through Christ our Lord. Amen”.

The moral of the story is that every Lion, whatever his condition, takes his task seriously!

Fergus Killoran, Africa Correspondent

Note: Fergus is not the author of the joke, he just found it interesting for us!!