1. - Simple Introduction (maybe very simple, but enough)
Es posible que tu navegador no permita visualizar esta imagen. The Aneto is the highest peak in the Pyrenees, with an altitude of 3,404 meters above sea level (not too much for us). Located in the Parque Natural Posets-Maladeta, neighbouring the town of Benasque in the province of Huesca and at the northern limits the region of Aragon.
Maybe someday Aneto will be the Lion´s target, but nowadays, only the Lion "Irastorza" can get it.
2. - The First Climbers
In July 1842, (can anybody tell if Antonio was born around this time?) a young Russian, named Tchihatcheff Plato (with this name he can´t be a Lion), a former army officer and a French botanist, Albert de Franquevielle along with a few guides, reached the summit beating natural, atmospheric and atrocious climatic conditions. Of course, they were not so silly as to forget their "lip balm" and their "walking stick" ("optional, but very useful")
They liked what they did to such an extent that they made a second ascent. (It is a good principle: if you can do it once, you should do it again!)
A chap with Irish connections, called Henry Russell, made the first solo ascent. He would have been a possible candidate for the Lions although, then again, perhaps not as he made it by following an easier route which was a boon to subsequent climbers.
Surprisingly, the first Spaniards to reach the summit to the top were the Harreta brothers. They made it in 1855 accompanied by a guide called Michot. Little more is known about these brothers despite being credited with another significant achievement: they were the first scale Montblanc (in 1864). Since then there have been many expeditions by Catalans (when they were not cheering for Barca!). The names of Juli Soler and Santaló along with many others, would write singular pages in the history of this mountain.
The first woman to reach the top was Ernestine Tavernier, in August, 1849 (such things tend to happen: women arrive later but still manage to be in time!).
3. Es posible que tu navegador no permita visualizar esta imagen. - Fauna
The area of the Aneto is inhabited by a few different species of animals. (Should I fail to adequately discharge my job of “Packed Meals”, we can always find an alternative). Examples that come to mind are: the snow pheasant, groundhog, mountain goat and Royal eagle, among others.
4. - What can be seen from the summit
The images below show views from the top of Aneto (not all taken on the same day!).
By Rafael Salas, Mountain historian correspondent