Monday, May 5, 2014

Antonio's 2014 Introduction

Dear Lions,

It is with great pleasure that I write these lines. In exactly two weeks time we will be in the middle of a

Pyrenees canyon hanging on ropes or swimming in freezing waters trying to take in all the beautiful landscape as we fight against the cold and we keep an eye on the cliffs. But as veteran Lions know, the team will always be caring for us, as the mutual help, camaraderie and friendship of the “Lions of the Pyrenees” is renowned. Certainly everyone is expected to be in a fit condition, but no one is alone, and no one will be left behind. That is one of the mottos of the Lions!

It is incredible to realize that we face another Lions May Expedition and that we have been doing this since the year 2000. We know reasonably well the various rivers, mountains, forests and valleys of the Central Pyrenees region. We go there not only to try our physical prowess, but to share with our friends another year of a challenging few days together. We will overcome some difficult situations together, certainly with the great help of Fyrky (commonly known to some of us as ‘Freaky’) and the other two professional mountain guides. But we will principally not only enjoy the sporting challenge, nature and the local wild life; but we will also have the opportunity of catching with the other Lions, coming from different countries. That we can meet every May and November, either in the wilds of the Pyrenees or in the rooms of the Oriental Club in London for the traditional Lions Annual Dinner, are two occasions that we all look forward to on our calendars.

As always, some of our friends, other Lions can not join due to injuries, health or other problems; even if that is the case, we will be representing them on this Expedition. This year it appears we will be a large group of around 25 people between Lions and mountain guides; but with the contribution of each Lion we will create a unique adventurous atmosphere.

As always, our families will be very present, and we will remember them during the Expedition. As always, I promise to all of you, that we will bring you back, like the Marines.

Ave Caesar, Murituri te Salutant!

Sir Anthony Irastorza

1 May 2014