Fellow Lions and Cubs,
At the direction of our esteemed General and Leader, I share with you the weather forecast for the high Pyrenees. Please note that in early to mid May the weather is HIGHLY variable. While it is currently a balmy 18 degrees at the Panticosa Refugio, it can get stormy and cold at any time when you are at or above 1,000 m.

Please bring the appropriate footwear and more winter clothes than you think you need this time of year for the Trekking.
The forecast below is for 2,500 meters; this is well below the mountain’s peak. Even at 1,500 meters, the near-term forecast calls for freezing rain and temperatures not much above 0.
Now that I have your attention, all should have a good and safe time if you bring the proper clothes. Lots of layers, rainproof pants, etc as listed in the equipment guide.
Fellow Lions and Cubs,
At the direction of our esteemed General and Leader, I share with you the weather forecast for the high Pyrenees. Please note that in early to mid May the weather is HIGHLY variable. While it is currently a balmy 18 degrees at the Panticosa Refugio, it can get stormy and cold at any time when you are at or above 1,000 m.

Please bring the appropriate footwear and more winter clothes than you think you need this time of year for the Trekking.
The forecast below is for 2,500 meters; this is well below the mountain’s peak. Even at 1,500 meters, the near-term forecast calls for freezing rain and temperatures not much above 0.
Now that I have your attention, all should have a good and safe time if you bring the proper clothes. Lots of layers, rainproof pants, etc as listed in the equipment guide.