Monday, March 11, 2013

Antonio's Message.

Dear veteran Lions and aspiring Lions,

It is with pleasure that I write these lines for the first issue of this year’s LIONS TIMES, so here I am again. When this time comes it appears that things have been moving pretty fast over the last twelve months, and we are about to embark into another enjoyable Expedition to the Pyrenees.

As the other Founding Lion, Alastair Caisley, would say, every year it is different, and with the experience gained each year the last one appears to be the most enjoyable so far. Even if we have been thirteen times in these Annual Expeditions, we try to go to different places so I am sure that by now some of the veteran Lions could be employed as rangers of the local national parks.

But as you all know, we go away for a few days, not to escape from reality, but to recharge the batteries and to return to work or home with new optimism and enthusiasm; knowing that the days of the Expedition are days of camaraderie, effort and challenges; where we also give thanks to God for the many benefits received during the previous twelve months. We do not talk much about sports, as you all know fitness is to be expected, so keep up your regular exercise and as weeks come closer do train a little more; but no need to do extraordinary things; I say this as I have just learnt that one of our Lions has gone to run a marathon this weekend  (we are all with you Joelo Delgado).

Do keep up the encouragement and keenness during the remaining 8 weeks to go. Also do try to help or contribute if you are asked to do something for the Lions Expedition; one of these things are short contributions that no doubt Scott Fertig and Diego Barroso will ask you for the LIONS TIMES (if you do not know what it is just look at our website – the details were included in the initial letter that I sent you back in January; and there you can read previous years contributions and ideas)

I finish these words as we regularly do: Forward men, we are nearly there: “Ave Caesar, morituri te salutant”,

Sir Anthony Irastorza
A lion of the Pyrenees